Standing with Israel: A Message from Sea Shul

The Sea Shul community extends its deepest sympathies and unwavering support to all those affected by the crisis in Israel. The harrowing events unfolding have impacted countless lives and our thoughts are especially with the families who have loved ones in the region.

The bond between the Jewish diaspora and Israel is unbreakable, and it's during challenging periods such as this that our solidarity and combined strength shine through. As the situation continues to develop, it becomes paramount for communities worldwide to come together in mutual support and understanding.

For those who have reached out, asking how best they can help, one immediate way is by supporting organizations working on the ground. Magen David Adom (MDA) is Israel’s primary emergency response service, working tirelessly to provide crucial medical assistance to those in need. As they rise to meet the immense challenges of this moment, your support can aid in their life-saving mission.

If you are considering making a difference, we encourage you to learn more about Magen David Adom and their incredible work. The ripple effects of individual acts of kindness and charity, especially in times of crisis, are profound.

At Sea Shul, our mission has always been to nurture Jewish life, champion Jewish values, and kindle the human spirit. Now more than ever, these values guide our response. We thank our community and friends for their ongoing support and resilience.

Together, with hope and determination, we pray for healing, peace and a brighter future for all.

Am Yisrael Chai (The Nation of Israel Lives), 

Sea Shul Leadership


Rosh Hashanah Press Release


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